
“God Is Punishing Kenya With Floods” Pastor Ezekiel Odero Comes Out Clean About The Current Floods

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Attributes Kenya's Floods to Divine Punishment

Over the past month, Kenya has experienced unprecedented rainfall, resulting in numerous fatalities and the displacement of many from their homes.

The capital city of Nairobi, along with Nakuru County and other regions, has been particularly hard hit by the deluge.

While various theories abound regarding the cause of these calamities, Pastor Ezekiel Odero has emerged with a bold assertion: God is punishing Kenya with floods.

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Drawing on his forty-seven years of experience in the country, Pastor Ezekiel expressed disbelief at the severity of the floods, particularly in Nairobi, which he claims he has never witnessed before.

He views the catastrophic rainfall not merely as a natural phenomenon, but as a divine retribution for the sins of the nation.

In Pastor Ezekiel’s view, the excessive rainfall affecting Kenya, as opposed to other East African countries experiencing similar weather patterns, is indicative of God’s wrath.

He attributes this punishment to the collective sins of the Kenyan people, citing a decline in reverence for God and moral decay, particularly among the youth who openly mock divine authority, especially on social media platforms.

Furthermore, Pastor Ezekiel identifies recent legislative changes, such as the passing of laws relating to LGBTQ rights, as contributing factors to God’s displeasure.

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He believes that Kenya’s prosperity, coupled with a sense of pride and arrogance, has led to a sense of entitlement that has angered God.

The pastor also criticizes governmental actions, such as the perceived interference with religious institutions and the closure of churches, as further evidence of divine dissatisfaction.

He warns that ignoring God’s laws and neglecting spiritual values will only invite further calamity upon the nation.

As Kenya grapples with the aftermath of the floods and seeks to mitigate future disasters, Pastor Ezekiel’s perspective underscores the intersection of faith, morality, and natural phenomena.

While opinions may differ on the root causes of such crises, his assertions highlight the enduring belief in divine intervention and the need for spiritual introspection amidst adversity.

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