
The Star Online Presidential Tally ‘Brought Down’ Minutes After Announcing Ruto as Leading Candidate

The Star’s Online Presidential Tallying Was “Brought Down” Minutes After Ruto Was Declared the Frontrunner.

Having worked in the IT sector for at least the past five years, I can say with absolute certainty that the star News Online Presidential Tally was demolished in under an hour after the media outlet declared Deputy President William Ruto as the leading Presidential candidate with 7 million votes, compared to Raila’s 6.9 million.

Photo Courtesy

At 14:40, we noticed the site was showing an error message about a missing configuration file, which prevents the front-end application from being displayed to the User.

In addition, the error message reiterates that this merely indicates that the site is currently unavailable due to Maintenance Mode.

Screenshot Courtesy

“If you are a regular visitor to this site and are confused by this page, it is down for maintenance at the moment,” An Explicit Message of Failure.

Who would dare perform maintenance on such a crucial site as election results pour in for the President of the United States? Why hasn’t the star kept Kenyans up to date on the supposed repairs?

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